Information in english

At Kulturskolan (School of Culture) in Skövde you can learn about and experience both vocal and instrumental music, drama, how to make movies and videogames, from ages 3 to 18. We have several groups for different ages and offer individual music lessons for children that are eight years and older.

Registration for individual lessons in music

At Kulturskolan, you can register your child for individual classes in music from the year your child turns eight. Lessons take place once a week and are 20 minutes per session. There is a waiting list for the most popular instruments, such as piano and guitar, and generally a shorter queue for other instruments. We have continuous admission throughout the year, even though most students start at the beginning of the semester. Students are only allowed to play one instrument at a time. However, it is possible to play one instrument and stand in line for another.

Music groups for small children

We have four different music groups for children between 3 and 7 years old. You can read more about the children's groups here (in Swedish). Participating in Children’s music groups does not give priority to individual teaching or other groups.

Music groups for older children

There are several groups for older children. We have choir practice, music production, playing in a rock group and more. We also offer a form of cheerleading called "drill". Please keep in mind that classes will be held in Swedish.


You pay the full tuition fee for the entire semester once the student has been actively enrolled for three weeks or more. The same applies to the instrument rental. Admitted students retain their place at the music school until their legal guardian terminates their enrolment. Pupils who are taking individual vocal or instrumental lessons may sing in a choir for free. Read more about our fees (in Swedish).

Registration to the music school

Click here to register your child. Registration is in Swedish, so please let us know if you have any questions. Contact information can be found at the bottom of the page.

School seasons

Kulturskolan follows the school seasons of the public schools in Skövde kommun. When you have school holidays in primary school (autumn, Christmas, sports, Easter, and summer break), you also have time off from Kulturskolan. If you can’t come to your lesson It is important that you contact us if you can not come to your lesson. You do this directly to your teacher by phone or text message.

Contact information

If you have questions, please contact us via phone or e-mail.
Phone number: 0500-49 80 00 (via Skövde kommun contact center)
Facebook: Skövde Kulturfabrik
Instagram: @skovdekulturfabrik