AiR Skövde är ett gästateljéprogram för internationella konstnärer, grundat 2014.

Inom ramen för AiRS gör Konstmuseet egna residens såväl som samverkar med andra aktörer så som till exempel Slöjd i väst och Riksteatern. Konstmuseets egna residens har hittills fokuserat på dialogbaserad socialt engagerad konst utanför museets fyra väggar, men under 2020 kommer även ett tydligare fokus på produktionsbaserade residens att läggas till. Genom residensprogrammet skapas många nya ytor för dialog och möten mellan Konstmuseet och lokalsamhället, möten som kommer både allmänheten, det lokala kulturlivet och studenterna på Högskolan i Skövde till gagn.

AiRS (Artist in Residence Skövde) is an eight week long International Residency in October – December for one artist self-identified as mid or upper carrier, run by Skövde Art Museum in the rural town of Skövde in Southwestern Sweden. The residency is based on a dialogue between the artist and the local community, and invites artists who works with participatory, engaged, and critical practices outside of the museum walls.

AiRS is awarded to one artist per year. The Residency was founded in 2014 and is made possible on a grant from Region Västra Götaland. AiRS is committed to a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity for all persons regardless of race, sex, color, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression. The AiRS studio apartment is located on the second floor of a newly renovated building from 1862, situated in a courtyard across the street from the Art Museum. An analog graphic print studio, gallery and art school are also located next door. The Skövde Cultural Centre houses the Art Museum, the public library, a theatre, a cinema and a restaurant/bar/café, all in the very center of the city.